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Showing posts from March, 2018

A Cottage On Dartmoor (1929) - a Silent Film Review

Uno Henning 'A cottage on Dartmoor', from 1929, opens with an escaped convict who runs over the open moors, fleeing the police. The images are interspersed with those of a mother and her child. As a viewer you know right away that it will not be long before these two will cross each other's path. It does not take long before the prisoner has entered her house. When they come face to face with each other, she shouts 'Joe!'. Immediately there follows a flashback that shows how Joe has come to his terrible deed and that it is no coincidence that he is now standing on her doorstep. Uno Henning This film shows that silent films can have more power than the talkies. The simple fact of a jealous man out for revenge is depicted in a brilliant way. We sympathise with the insecure Joe who falls in love, we feel his frustration when he accidentally picks up the wrong signals from the lady in question, which ultimately will lead to an untenable jealousy. The t