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Showing posts from August, 2018

The Headless Horseman (1922) - a Silent Film Review

Will Rogers ‘That Sleepy Hollow was a haunted and most superstitious region, Ichabod Crane had often heard, but he little dreamed how soon he was to encounter the famous chief of its legions of ghosts - a mysterious Headless Horseman.’ Ben Hendricks Jr. The Headless Horseman from 1922 follows the legend of Sleepy Hollow quite accurately. The story is about schoolmaster Ichabod Crane who hopes to marry Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter of a rich farmer, so that he can get his hands on her inheritance. Now it sounds a bit like he is a gold digger, but this story takes place in 1790. It was quite common at that time to marry for money or status. But Ichabod Crane has a rival; Brom Bones. Bones does not shy away from chasing Crane and he makes clever use of the superstition of our schoolmaster. Before writer Washington Irving wrote a short story with this theme in 1820, stories about various different headless ghost riders were circulating. Poets Robert Burns and Gottfried