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Showing posts from June, 2019

The White Shadow (1924) - a Silent Film Review

Betty Compson “Born without soul, the spirit of rebellion now dominates Nancy, while the great soul of Georgina grieves for her sister.” Clive Brook and Betty Compson But by today's standards, Nancy is not a soulless woman at all why she should be grieved. The only thing she wants is the freedom to be able to choose which men she socialises with and make her own decisions. But Nancy is in a 1924 film. At that time men had enough on their plate handeling those annoying suffragettes who wanted voting rights. So daughters had to be kept on a tight leash. "The White Shadow" Filmposter When writing my reviews, I always have one rule that I always follow; I must have seen the whole movie. With this film I deviate once from that rule. I am talking about the movie "The White Shadow" from 1924. Many Hitchcock enthusiasts will remember 3 August 2011; the day The New Zealand National Film Preservation Foundation reported that a lost Hitchcock film had be